Output without the Input.

We all know stories of those rising from humble beginnings to achieve outstanding success and how this revolved around their uncompromising work ethic. Yet get-rich-quick schemes still promise high rates of return for a small investment, in both time and money. Creating an impression to those foolishly drawn in of wealth with little to no risk and little skill, effort or time needed.

 But we all know that no book was written overnight, and it takes a lot of flying time to become a certified pilot. A comedian takes years on stage to develop their material and learn how to command an audience. And never forget that most seemingly overnight successes actually took years, rather than someone simply spending a few hours on the latest technology and becoming a billionaire. The fact is all great things take time and require a lot of input. We need to understand and accept this fact if we are to develop the outcomes we want in both business and life - we have to put the effort in.

Yet many still search for that elusive ‘free lunch’ born from the tradition of American saloons in the early part of the last century offering a free lunch to patrons that bought just one drink. A lunch deliberately high in salt, so that those eating it ended up buying more drinks to quench their thirst.

Those successful in business will tell you that hard work pays. Working hard and spending time honing your skills is simply the price you pay for success and ‘yes’ it will most likely take longer than you would like. Success is the result of good preparation, hard work and maybe a little luck, but as film producer and Hollywood pioneer Samuel Goldwyn said, “The harder I work, the luckier I get.”

When you first start and then run a business there are times when the demands on your time and resources will be overwhelming and you will question whether all the effort you are putting in will every pay off. But it will.

There are other factors that play an equally important part. Focus and timing are two of them, where having a clear strategy and plan is essential to define what you want to achieve, how and the timeline for your ultimate success. With the right strategy and plan you control the direction of travel, what you do each day that moves you nearer your goal and how your business needs to be tailored to achieve your objectives. But even the best plan is no substitute for hard work.

The late and great Joe Strummer of The Clash summed it up with what is referred to as Strummer's Law: "No Input, No Output." Reflective of his constant striving for the inspiration that drove his life and music.

You can achieve anything if you are determined enough, have a strong work ethic and are willing to put the hours in to achieve your goals. What would be foolish is expecting outputs without the inputs, final results without basic beginnings.


Swarm all over it!


What got you here, may not get you there.